Uchitama?! Have You Seen My Tama?

Kawaii Overload

Does life got you down? Are the stresses of work and being an adult making you wonder why you even bother anymore? Have I got the cure for you. Uchitama?! Have You Seen My Tama will make you feel happy in no time. The show follows the adventures of the dogs and cats of third street, primarily the cat Tama and his dog friend Poochi. The show alternates between cute little animal representations of the characters and their human forms. I thought this would be off-putting at first but it’s actually done quite well. It should be made clear that these aren’t pets that can turn into humans, rather we see their lives as-if they were actually human (with tails and cat/dog ears of course). There’s an array of personalities in their group. From Momo, the “idol” whose a cat that works at a cafe and is very popular on petstagram, to Bull, a new bulldog the moves in that wants to appear tough but is anything but, there’s enough diversity that should make for fun but low-stakes adventures. Thus far the common source of conflict is that Tama and Poochi often find themselves getting lost but always end up finding a way back home. There is ample box sitting, lap cuddling, milk drinking, and other stereotypical pet behaviors. Heck, there’s a segment that’s just about a few of the cats looking for a warm, comfy place to sleep.

This show was definitely made to cash in on the cuteness of it’s characters. Apparently it’s based on old stationary characters who were previously adapted into an anime, though they stayed purely in animal form. The simplicity, low-stakes, and apparently some form of a corporate influence all add up to put this anime squarely in the trash category. That said, this is some cute, happy trash. The 3 episode rule was actually broken for this show, but that’s because only two episodes have aired at the time of this writing. That’s right, we’re getting you in on the ground floor of this Kawaii train. I have high hopes that this anime can continue to be a palate cleanser for either the darker shows like Re:Zero or just life in general.

Is this trash? YES

Rating: ★★★★☆