Problem Children Are Coming from Another World, Aren’t They?

The Problem is coming from inside the show

We’re heading back to the isekai well with this one. Judging from the name and description I figured this would be about some bratty kids getting thrown into a new world that would teach them to be better people. The entire world would be made up of similar problem children and everyone would need to work together to beat some big bad. The kids are indeed “trouble”, but the premise is a bit different.

Sakamaki Izayoi, Kudō Asuka, and Kasukabe Yō all receive mysterious letters one day and are transported into a new world called “Little Garden”. They are approached by Kuro Usagi (aka Black Rabbit), who tells them that because of their special gifts they’ve been selected to participate in “gift games” where they can wager things and win prizes. Yo can talk to animals and integrate their powers via a special wooden charm, Asuka can tell most anyone to do anything via her authority gift, and Izayoi is pretty much just invincible and good at everything. Despite not knowing each other, the three kids easily begin working well together and win their first game against Usagi. Usagi invites them back to the main community area to officially start playing the games. Izayoi sneaks off, goes and beats some water god easily and wins a water producing tree. Meanwhile, Asuka and Yo both decide to join Usagi’s no-name community and already challenge a rival community to a high stakes game after learning he has been taking hostages for blackmail, and ultimately killing them right away. Needless to say, they fight the big scary beastman, kill him and win the game. The ultimate goal that gets setup is beating the demon lords that run the games and so I imagine the rest of the episodes are just more games of increased stakes.

The kids were definitely arrogant, though not as misanthropic or bratty as I expected. More just really cocky in their abilities. Izayoi especially seems super overpowered. The show deals with this by having him sit out the first game, because they definitely would have won within seconds had he been fighting. I’m sure they’ll need to keep handicapping him going forward to compensate for his skill. All three are pretty boring characters overall. Yo is implied to have some sad backstory and wants friends, Asuka is tired of living a privileged life, and Izayoi is just bored. Yo would appear to at least have a decent drive, but her character is pretty flat personality wise. This core group didn’t really get me invested in watching them grow. Then there’s Usagi, who is at least semi-powerful, but serves as the fan-service character being a scantily clad, well endowed bunny girl. If you’ve seen one bunny girl character before, Usagi is pretty much the same. Her main role early on is really just to provide exposition. There are some other characters but they weren’t terribly interesting either. This show falls squarely in the average zone of trashy isekai, would likely only watch it if we enter day 90 of the corona quarantine.

Is it trash? YES

Rating: ★★★☆☆