Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

The definition of Anime Junk Food

I like Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. It’s comforting, it’s stupid, it’s pure fluff but I enjoy it. Normally I’d start describing the plot but there really isn’t one. Drunk jaded programmer (it me) Miss Kobayashi (it not me) saves a dragon while on a binge. Dragon turns into a maid and offers to serve the hungover titular character the next day as thanks. Some more humanized dragons show up eventually, hijinks ensue. That’s it. They do stuff like go to conventions, put on plays, go to school, etc, but the stakes are never really all that high. Everyone’s kinda just chilling and having fun in this world. That’s not to say there isn’t character development. Tohru, the dragon that was saved, actually becomes more competent over time and develops a legit relation with Kobayashi. All of the dragons acclimate more and more over time, only Lucoa really stays as a pretty flat character. Really this is the kind of trash you just put on after a long, hard, depressing day to just zone out. It helps that the OP and ED are both bangers. I dare you not to be happy listening to them. If you don’t you have no soul.

Thats not to say there aren’t some problems with the show. While some fanservice is to be expected, the Lucoa character exists pretty much solely for this purpose. It doesn’t help that she lives with a small boy not so subtlety name Shouta and is constantly smothering him with her breasts. The episodes where she’s less involved are usually the better ones. I do at least appreciate that the loli dragon Kanna for the most part doesn’t fall prey to the same treatment. She mostly exists for Kobayashi to grow more as a loving, caring parental figure and also just be cute af. She does have semi-romantic relationship with her classmate Riko but this is more often played for comedic effect than anything. This show will definitely not challenge you intellectually in any way, shape, or form but let’s be real, who watches trash for that? Definitely helps that as a programmer its easy to relate to some of the work BS Kobayashi has to deal with so that’s a plus.

Is it trash? YES

Rating: ★★★★☆