Gabriel DropOut

Turns out video games are the devil

Gabriel Dropout centers around a group of four girls, two angels and two demons, living on Earth. Gab is an angel who went from valedictorian to unmotivated layabout, thanks to the magic of MMOs. Vigne is a demon that acts more helpful and heavenly than either of the angels. Saitama is apparently the future queen of hell, but really more a constant source of comic relief. Lastly, Raphi is an angel turned sadistic stalker who constantly looks for ways to toy with Saitama. The show mostly focuses on the four girls activities at school, and finding ways to inconvenience each other out of it. There are no high stakes here, the show just wants you to be amused by the characters various idiosyncrasies. It definitely plays with the dynamic that the angels really aren’t all that great after coming to Earth (nice job humanity), with Gab and Raphi performing the more heinous acts of the group. I’m sure Saitama would be worse, but her incompetence prevents her from achieving much at all. The show also has a dog in it, which quite honestly has me feeling the most conflicted. This dog seems like a good dog, he looks fluffy, seems friendly enough, and is a cool dog. However, he constantly steals Saitama’s melon bread from her. I do wish that at least once Saitama could enjoy her melon bread, so this makes me dislike the dog. I was not prepared for these conflicting emotions when I started this show. Thankfully, this cognitive dissonance is erased as the dog is ultimately saved by and becomes Saitama’s familiar, complete with an emotionally moving segment.

The Holy Light keeps things familyfriendly!


There’s not a ton to dislike with this show. It’s light-hearted and fun and perfect if you relate with Gab’s desire to do nothing all day. However, I could see the lack of much conflict being off putting for some, but then why are you even watching trash anime in the first place? In the episodes I watched there wasn’t much sexual content which was a nice change of pace. When Gab did undress, it was accompanied by the pretty great line “The Holy Light keeps things family-friendly!” complete with bright light that obscured most of her body. Honestly, I only really consider this trash because as piece of media it really doesn’t have a whole lot to say or challenge about the world. It feels like the kind of show Gab would watch while waiting for her computer to update, and that’s quite alright with me.

Is this trash? YES

Rating: ★★★★☆